Welcome to Roblurted version 2! If you missed version 1, where have you been?! It was a wildly unsuccessful blog and repository for nonsense, drivel and oddments I stumbled across while spending too much time looking at rubbish on the Internet. I’m hoping version 2 will be moderately more successful…you need to think big playa! <ahem>
So what has changed? Well the old site was a vision in grey and pale blue which employed an innovative horizontal scrolling layout which I thought made it stand out from the crowd, in reality people didn’t work out that there was more content waiting just off screen over there >>>. The new gaff has gone, well there is no other way to describe it, Synthwave.
For those unfamiliar with the best-underground-scene-you-have-never-heard-but-need-in-your-life, Synthwave is a made with love mixtape dedicated to the 80s. It is a homage to John Carpenter film soundtracks, it reveres video game music, it is, in a word, fabulous. It is brand new music that sounds like it is from an awesome film you missed when it was released straight to video in 1984, think Stranger Things for your ears.
One of the traits of Synthwave is that virtually all the artwork associated with the scene uses the same colour palette; black, dark blue, neon blue, neon pink and yellow. As you can see, I’ve employed this heavily on version 1 of version 2 of the site, I like it, it looks old and new at the same time. No doubt I’ll get bored and change it in a few months but for now it is all Tron and Vice City.
So what can you expect from this little corner of the web? Album reviews, Spotify playlists, awesome videos, the odd essay, regular updates on my Pop Master score, features on Brutalist architecture (including a feature on Soviet Union bus stops - seriously) and loads of flotsam and jetsam I stumble along as I navigate the heaving sea of nonsense that is the Internet.
If you like anything you see on Roblurted feel free to forward it on to every single person you know and have ever met. As I mentioned at the beginning, I’m hoping for a moderate increase in traffic, is that too much to hope for? I’ll do my best to keep you entertained, the rest is up to you guys.
So come in, make yourself at home and pour yourself a Campari and soda. I’ll just finish this game of Outrun then we can put Miami Vice on, Big Trouble In Little China starts in an hour! That neon sign isn’t too bright is it?