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  • Rob

QUIZ NIGHT'S 22/08/20 & 29/08/20...

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

Quiz night just gets better and better, there, I've said it. The reason it has been a success for the last 23 weeks is that everyone who hosts puts their own unique spin on proceedings. The last two weeks have been a classic case in point, D and S&E have hosted the last couple of quizzes and they have nailed it.

D took the presentation game to the next level last week then he hit us with his killer round; Christmas Number Ones! It sounds a little lame when you say it out loud, but when one of our own throws a Christmas round the middle of Summer, it is perfect for us. It was completely left field and absolutely cracking. This will go down in Quiz Night history.

This week S&E did a quiz between them and you could see the differences between the rounds. S’s rounds were fun and entertaining, E produced a memorable music round. I will never forget seeing the look on the 40/50-somethings faces as E explained that he wanted us to identify the sample used in a rap song. It was like seeing apes work with tools for the first time! All us auld arses trying to work out the song that was the foundation to Puff Daddy’s ‘Missing You’.

And that is the point, we have people that are loosely brought together by me - but are now REAL friends - that are trying to outwit, outsmart but mostly entertain each other. For almost 6 months a ragtag group of idiots have been quizzing each week, hosting, participating and enjoying.

The gatherings have certainly kept me going, it is almost ridiculous that we have had one every week for six months. Once things get to some sort of normality we are organising a get together to do Quiz Night Live so will evolve things again, it will be great to quiz face to face instead of screen to screen.

Here is to another six months!!!


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