What a great night tonight was! A proper easy going evening, brilliant quiz, loads of gossip and time for bonding.
It might sound twee talking about bonding, but we are talking about people who didn’t know each other a few months ago, now we are family. We have endured Lock Down and are better people for it.
M and G were the hosts with the most tonight and it was clear to see that they had worked hard on the quiz. 140 questions, perfectly timed, was great.
Each week, everyone tries to come up with a new innovation. We have been doing this for almost 6 months so twists need to be special. M and G absolutely nailed it this week.
Coming up with an idea for a round is great. Coming up with an idea for a round which is pushing the envelope is greater! Doing a recreation of the Observation round of the Krypton Factor where you walk through Asda in St. Helens recording yourself for a quiz round is genius!!!

We all howled when we heard M narrating his visit to Th’Asda this week, knowing there would be questions afterwards. We watched as he got the ingredients for a stir fry, aware that the cost of beef would be a critical part of the visit and quiz!
10 observation questions later and we were all laughing at his ingenuity and, to be honest, balls to film himself in Asda. A stroke of genius and definitely a first!!!
Rounds like this elevate the quiz. We all try SO hard to create something new and amazing. M and G achieved that with ease. The rest of the quiz was great; a mixture of old and new. The music rounds were especially challenging!!!
It was good to see everyone. This week has been really tough for me personally but I knew I could rely on the Quiz Night Gang. I was absolutely chuffed that C and V joined us from darkest Birmingham!
Quiz Night is a beacon shining brightly at the end of the week. It draws us all in and gives us hope. The pressure to create a good quiz is immense as we know a whole weekend depends on it for us.
Tonight M and G nailed it. I’m looking forward to M and H’s back to basics quiz next week. If it is half as good as this one it will be fabulous.