Daughter are back after a seven-year break with a new album but, reassuringly, a familiar sound. There was a nagging thought that after such a long break it would be time for a change, there is but thankfully it is evolution, not revolution.
Daughter is a British trio who does a mean line in indie with a folk twang for those unfamiliar. This is probably their most accessible album I reckon, bordering on pop at times, all the while being tempered by singer Elena Tonra’s haunting voice.

The band physically went their separate ways, moving away from each other to different continents. This is reflected in some of the album's themes, that of separation, long-distance relationships and isolation.
Tonra’s voice and the restrained production make parts of the album feel vulnerable and small. When they open up a little, there is a hint of The XX, which I very much appreciate.
There are also oddities on the album like the track ‘(Missed Calls)’ which features snatches of answer machine messages snipped, distorted and stuck together in a very U2 Zoo TV Live kinda way, this track weirds me out, to be honest.
It has taken a few listens to get this album but it is definitely a grower. Not an album to use as a party playlist I guess, but definitely one if you need something a little quieter, and a bit restrained.
Fancy getting some quiet goodness in your life, the album is available on random eco-coloured vinyl for about £25 at your favourite independent store.
Tracks To Try: ‘Be On Your Way’, ‘Party’, ‘Swim Back’, ‘Junkmail’, ‘Future Lover’, ‘To Rage’, ‘Wish I Could Cross The Sea’