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Updated: Jun 14, 2024

I was lucky to see Doyle support BC Camplight at The Arts Club in Liverpool. Not only is he a fascinating artist, but it turns out he is a funny guy, too.

He snapped a string midway through his set, and as there was no guitar tech to change it, he did a Formula 1-esque changeover and told anecdotes about previous gigs, his writing process and how he thought Camplight was insane when he first joined him on tour (his view had changed after a few gigs!)

This is the third album of Doyle’s I have (one being under his previous stage name, East India Youth), and I can say it is definitely my favourite.

I’ve always admired his DIY approach to writing and recording, but sometimes the songs were difficult to get into, not so with this record. It feels lighter than his previous release, ‘Great Spans of Muddy Time’. There are still complex pop moments in there, but it is much easier to listen to, I found.

Tracks like ‘Now In Motion’, ‘Relentless Melt and ‘Surrender Yourself’ are like a breath of fresh air compared to ‘Great Spans…’ and hark back to his earlier work, which I enjoyed.

I’ve seen mixed reviews for this album, everything from “missed opportunities” and “muddled themes” to “thought-provoking pop” and “essential electronica”. For me, this is the best thing Doyle has released since his debut as East India Youth a decade ago. Seeing it live was the cherry on the cake.

If you fancy a bit of thoughtful, electronic indie pop, this might be right up your street. This ‘Eternal Blue’ coloured version is available for £24 from your favourite independent stockist.

Tracks To Try: ‘Now In Motion’, ‘Relentless Melt’, ‘Eternal Spring’, ‘Cannot Unsee’, ‘Cast Awayed’, ‘Surrender Yourself’.


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