
Apr 15, 20231 min


The Manchester trio are back with a new album of cool Neo-jazz. They also have a new drummer, a new record label and an (almost) new sound. The album contains atmospheric, cinematic tracks that blend jazz and ambient electronica.

Although Chris Illingworth’s piano mostly takes the lead on the record, new guy Jon Scott regularly flexes his drumming muscles across the album and is skilfully aided in the rhythm section by Nick Blacka’s bass.

Interviews with the band confirm that the album was born out of the loss of close family over the last few years with the band coming together to play music as a way to deal with the pain.

These sessions created a mostly uplifting record full of hope. That’s not to say it will rip your face off with noise and bluster, GoGo Penguin isn’t that kind of band, this is more of a record to bliss out to.

As the notes say, “Through our hardships, we will emerge stronger - everything is going to be ok.”

Fancy getting some optimistic, wide-screen jazz-tronica in your life? The album is available for about £23 on black vinyl or for £30 you can get this, the Indies Exclusive clear vinyl with a bonus 7”.

Tracks To Try: 'Glimmerings’, ’Saturnine’, ‘Friday Film Special’, ‘We May Not Stay’, ‘Everything Is Going To Be Ok’, ‘Parasite’.